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Restrictions around travelling between tiers

Restrictions around travelling between tiersRestrictions around travelling between tiers

We are now at Stage E on the Return to Rugby Roadmap which allows contact fixtures under law variations permitted from 18th Dec 2020 . However because the country has been placed into tiers there are restrictions around travelling between tiers. Please see all the guidance on Kent Rugby's  website news page 'Latest RFU Update 2nd Dec 2020' , about what it allows clubs to do and the travelling regulations across tiers. 


We are now at Stage E on the Return to Rugby Roadmap which allows contact fixtures under law variations permitted from 18th Dec 2020 . However because the country has been placed into tiers there are restrictions around travelling between tiers. Please see all the guidance on Kent Rugby's  website news page 'Latest RFU Update 2nd Dec 2020' , about what it allows clubs to do and the travelling regulations across tiers.

David Clent

Game Development Chair





05 December 2020