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U15s Viragos v Beckenham

Today 13/3/22 The East Kent Viragos played Beckenham U15’s in the first round of the Kent Cup.

A very psyched up and motivated Beckenham started the match quickly, despite their long journey, and took the viragos by surprise.  They were super keen to get their hands on the ball and over powered our forwards at the initial break downs to win good quick ball.  This good ball and their strong running 8 and centres soon had them charging over for their first of 5 first half trys.  Immediately after the restart they applied the pressure with a kicker that again took us by surprise as her accuracy and  ability to kick was the best we’ve come up against this season.  They pressured the receiver and soon turned over the ball where they played the ruck quickly and used their front foot advantage to get over the line.  Despite the quick tries there were times when the ‘viragos’ maintained possession and worked their way up the field and despite the pressure and 5 first half tries the viragos showed great character to get over the try line.

Some changes were made to the team at half time and with positive words of encouragement from the captain the viragos emerged  with  confidence and commitment.  Beckenham maintained their kick and chase tactic but the full back, who relished the challenge, counter attacked every time  and gave the viragos a target to hit and a positive footing. There was much toing and froing during this half with the viragos counter attacking the Beckenham kick and chase.  Until late on a counter attack from a beckenham kick and chase allowed the viragos full back to step, hand off, and break the tackles of half the team to score a 75 metre solo try.  Absolutely delighted the Viragos set up for the kick off, but were perhaps still relishing in the try that had just been scored and allowed Beckenham in for an easy second half try.

The half finished one try all.

A great game with some things to work on, these girls have some real talent which will shine through once they all start to believe in themselves. 

Well done Viragos U15’s

13 March 2022