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Register Your Business On The Directory

Thank you for supporting your local rugby union club by including your listing on this business directory. The registration is simple and follows a 3-step process:

  1. Complete the form below
  2. Set up your Direct Debit with GoCardless
  3. Your listing is live in 24-48 hours

Business Details

Enter the name of your business as you want it to show on the website then select a category from the drop-down which is the category that the listing will display under.

Upload Your Logo

Click the button to allow you to select an image from your computer or mobile device. Once you have selected that you will see that image in a square frame where you can zoom in/out as well as align the image until you see what you want to display on the website. Click Crop & Upload Image.

Upload Images

You can choose up to 3 additional images to add to your listing.

Click the button to allow you to select an image from your computer or mobile device. Once you have selected that you will see that image in a square frame where you can zoom in/out as well as align the image until you see what you want to display on the website. Click Crop & Upload Image.

Business Description

Enter as much details as you wish to do so about the business which will appear on the website. You have access to a mini word processor here which will allow you to use bold, italics, links, etc. which will appear on the website.

Your Details

Contact Details

Enter all the contact details that you want to display publicly on the website.

Address Details

Enter all the address details that you want to display publicly on the website.

Are You A Thanet Wanderers RUFC Member?

The cost for your listing on the directory is £15 per month and we collect payments using our Direct Debit partners, Go Cardless. If you are a paid up member of Thanet Wanderers RUFC then your listing cost is reduced to £10 per month. So make sure you let us know by selecting the correct options below.

If you are happy for us to contact you in the future with regards to the products or services we provide, please opt in by ticking the box. More information about what we do with the information that you provide in line with the General Data Protection Regulation can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Listing Your Business

Getting your business listed here immediately gives you access to over 1000 regular visitors to our website.

And being part of this directory will increase the visibility and awareness of your business and give greater credibility to your organisation among potential customers.

A Powerful Tool

It gives you a powerful tool for increasing your business reach and helps strengthen your brand which potentially will lead to improved traffic quality and volume for you.

It is also an affordable way to advertise your business.


  • £10 per month - Directory Listing (TWRUFC Members)
  • £15 per month - Directory Listing (TWRUFC Non-Members)